A few of our favorite things at Chem-Dry of Stromsburg Carpet Cleaners
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Chem-Dry keeps baby's healthyWhat do babies, carpets, and cats have in common?

We love them all!

As Valentine’s Day approaches we are taking a minute to think of all the things we love. A few that come to mind are babies, carpets, and cats.

We love keeping your baby healthy.

At Chem-Dry we understand the value of keeping your family healthy in Stromsburg NE. It is important to us that the smallest members in your home stay healthy. Babies can’t always handle what we adults are used to. Dust, pet dander, dirt, and bacteria can cause your air quality to suffer- this is especially damaging for babies. If you have a 6-10 month old chances are they are crawling. This means your baby is close to the carpet and could be exposed to harmful bacterias. Because we love keeping your family healthy, we provide a cleaning that removes 98% of the allergens and bacteria hidden deep in carpets.  

We love carpets that look their best.

It should come as no surprise that we love carpets that look great! We strive to provide you superior cleaning services in Stromsburg NE so the carpets in your home can look and feel their best. Our specialty stain removal process is the cleaner that makes a difference. Old dirt stains throw off the look of a room. Even if the sofas are stylish and the room is clean, a dirty carpet makes the whole room look dirty! Because we love carpets that look their best, we offer you our best carpet cleaning services.

We love cats and dogs.

The bond between a pet and their owner is a special one. Our technicians love their dogs and cats just like you. In fact, because we love them so much we knew we needed a way to help our carpets and our pets coexist. That’s the reason P.U.R.T. (Pet Urine Removal Treatment) was created. Our pet urine removal solution removes stains once and for all. Pets accidents can be detrimental to carpets if left untreated. We love P.U.R.T. because it keeps our carpets looking and smelling great even with pets in the home.

These are just a few of the things we love here at Chem-Dry of Stromsburg. Give us a call to schedule a carpet cleaning and you’ll be one step closer to having carpets that you can love again!